Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 73

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 3
issue Number : 73

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 3، ، issue Number 73

A study of the stylistics of the court of "Mojiraldin Bilghani"

Najmeh Azampour , Mohammad Hojjat (Author in Charge), Maryam Shayegan


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The sixth century AH is one of the most important periods in Persian poetry and literature. In this century, three schools of poetry: Khorasani, Binabin and Azerbaijani are prevalent and one of the most famous poets of the Azerbaijani school is Mujir al-Din Bilqani. This article examines the stylistics of his poems from three perspectives: intellectual, linguistic and literary.

METHODOLOGY: This article is based on library studies and has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner.

FINDINGS: Abolmakarem Mojir al-Din Bilqani was one of the people of Bilqan who was apparently born to an Abyssinian mother. He is one of the leading and prominent poets of the Azerbaijani style in the first half of the sixth century. His 5,000-bit divan is full of poems, lyric poems, quatrains and delicate compositions. There is no information about his life in his poems, but it is certain that he studied literature and poetry with Khaghani. Some writers consider his style to be an imitation of Farrokhi and Manouchehri (especially in poems).

CONCLUSION: Mujir is skilled in composing various types of poems such as ode, sonnet, piece, melody, complaint, composition and quatrain, but his main skill is in composing ode. Intellectually, the poems of praise, satire, and pride are the features of his poetry. In particular, the sale of bounties, the reference to various sciences and various allusions to his poetry need to be explained and interpreted. Linguistically, there are many Arabic and Turkish words in his poems. His poems are also full of special combinations in the description of celestial elements, which are usually accompanied by numbers and have a virtual, metaphorical and ironic meaning. Among the branches of the science of expression, simile and irony are more prominent in his poems. Most of Meccan"s metaphors are non-superfluous, and this is due to Mujir"s special attention to the diagnostic industry. The irony of the verb and the type of ima is the most frequent type of irony in Mujir"s poems.

Mujir Bilqani , Stylistics , Azerbaijani style , Linguistic level , Literary level , Intellectual level

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